Differences between revisions 54 and 76 (spanning 22 versions)
Revision 54 as of 2021-01-12 03:07:33
Size: 9985
Editor: scot
Revision 76 as of 2022-08-22 17:39:23
Size: 10667
Editor: scot
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Semester: 2020-2021 School Year || Semester: || Fall 2021 - Winter 2022 ||
|| Office: || HSC 1117H ||
|| Office: || 423.236.2938 ||
|| Home: || {{attachment:syllabi-2.png}} ||
|| Cell: || {{attachment:cphone.png}} ||
|| Email: || {{attachment:syllabi-3.png}} ||
|| Web: || https://dra.cs.southern.edu ||
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This syllabus covers the list of Classes below. Each class has a link to additional syllabus information and resources. If you are viewing this link in printed form, see https://dra.cs.southern.edu/StandardSyllabus to access links.

== Fall Semester ==

||<#cccccc>'''Fall Classes''' ||<#cccccc>'''Time(s)/Location(s)''' ||<#cccccc>'''Prerequisites''' ||<#cccccc>'''Text Book(s)''' ||
|| [[WindowsAdministration|CPTE 230]] Fall || 8:25 AM TTH HSC 1105 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || Windows Server 2019 Inside OUT. ISBN: 978-0-13-549227-7 ||
|| || Lab: 1:00-3:30 TH 1213 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || Free online at: https://pinky.scotnpatti.com/WindowsAdministration ||
|| [[PrinciplesOfNetworkingCourse|CPTR 328]] Fall || 10:00 AM MWF HSC 1307 || CPTR 108; MATH 120 || Computer Networking A top-down approach 7th edition ISBN: 978-0-1335-9414-0 ||
|| [[WebServices|CPTR 446]] Fall Even || 9:30 AM TTH HSC 1213 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || TBA - Materials provided in class. ||
|| [[AdvancedNetworkSecurity|CPTR 444/542]] Fall Odd || 4:30 PM T HSC 1110 || CPTR 328, MATH 191, MATH 280 or equiv. || TBA - Usually new each time it is taught, see eClass for details||
|| [[DirectedStudies|CPTR 495]] || TBA || Permission of instructor || TBA ||
|| [[ChristianService|CPTE 300]] || TBA || Permission of Instructor || TBA ||

== Winter Semester ==

||<#cccccc>'''Winter Classes''' ||<#cccccc>'''Time(s)/Location(s)''' ||<#cccccc>'''Prerequisites''' ||<#cccccc>'''Text Book(s)''' ||
|| [[DatabaseManagementSystems|CPTR 319]] || 10 AM MWF HSC 1307 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 ||Database System Concepts 6th Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-352332-3 ||
|| [[NetworkSecurity|CPTR 427]] || 11 AM MW HSC 1307 || CPTR 328 Recommended CPTR 254|| CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Cert Guide Academic Edition ||
|| || || || ISBN: 0-7897-5912-2 AND The Code Book​, Singh, Anchor, ISBN: 0-385-49532-3 ||
|| || Lab: 2:00-4:30 TH 1213 || Same || Resource Available on this Wiki ||
|| [[IssuesInComputerScienceAndReligion|CPTR 575]] || 4:30 PM - 7:10 PM T HSC 1307 || None || Always Prepared: Answers to questions about our faith. ISBN: 978-0-8163-2502-3 ||
|| [[DirectedStudies|CPTR 495]] || TBA || Permission of instructor || TBA ||
|| [[ChristianService|CPTE 300]] || TBA || Permission of Instructor || TBA ||
This syllabus covers classes listed at the bottom of this page. Each class has a link to additional syllabus information including Pr-requisites, Textbook(s), course purpose, goals/objectives, and resources. If you are viewing this link in printed form, see https://dra.cs.southern.edu/StandardSyllabus to access links.
Line 41: Line 25:
In general, weights for my classes follow the guide below. Some of my classes do not have one or more of these categories. In any case, each category is weighted in percentage as follows. In general, weights for my classes follow the guide below. Some of my classes do not have one or more of these categories.
Line 43: Line 27:
$$$Weight_x\% = Weight_x \cdot \sum_i \frac{1}{Weight_i}$$$ $$$Weight_x\% = \frac{Weight_x}{\sum_i Weight_i}$$$
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||Attendance || 5 || Online in access.southern.edu ||
Line 106: Line 91:
''Under no circumstances are you to come and see me or attend class sick''. Email, call or message me letting me know you won’t be in class and why. I can add you to a zoom meeting for class if you feel up to it. Otherwise, you are expected to be in class. Work is turned in online and hence you do not need to be in class to turn in work. Late work is not allowed to be made up unless, you have a university excused absence. See: [[http://catalog.e.southern.edu/content.php?catoid=18&navoid=777|Absences]]. For university excused absences describe in the forgoing link, you may make up work according to the following rules: ''Under no circumstances are you to come and see me or attend class sick''. If you are well, you are expected to be physically in class. Whether attending online or in-class, you must sign-in and mark your seat or list yourself as attending online.

Email, call or message me letting me know you won’t be in class and why. You may attend via zoom for class if you feel up to it. Otherwise, you are expected to be in class. Work is turned in online and hence you do not need to be in class to turn in work. Late work is not allowed to be made up unless, you have a university excused absence. See: [[http://catalog.e.southern.edu/content.php?catoid=18&navoid=777|Absences]]. For university excused absences describe in the forgoing link, you may make up work according to the following rules:
Line 111: Line 98:

Attendance grades are collected at midterm and final from the online attendance unless it is integrated into eClass.
Line 112: Line 101:

== Disability Policy ==

All teachers are required to follow Southern's policy. Please see the incorporated statement here: https://www.southern.edu/administration/student-success/disability/faculty/syllabusstatements.html
Line 120: Line 104:
 * /PhysicalAbsenseWillNotAffectYourGrade  * [[https://www.southern.edu/administration/student-success/disability/faculty/syllabusstatements.html|Disability Policy Statement]]

== Fall Semester ==

This general syllabus covers all my classes. Additional links to classes can be found below.

||<#cccccc>'''Fall Classes''' ||<#cccccc>'''Time(s)/Location(s)''' ||<#cccccc>'''Prerequisites''' ||<#cccccc>'''Text Book(s)''' ||
|| [[WindowsAdministration|CPTE 230]] Fall || 8:25 AM TTH HSC 1105 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || Windows Server 2019 Inside OUT. ISBN: 978-0-13-549227-7 ||
|| || Lab: 1:00-3:30 TH 1213 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || Free online at: https://pinky.scotnpatti.com/WindowsAdministration ||
|| [[PrinciplesOfNetworkingCourse|CPTR 328]] Fall || 10:00 AM MWF HSC 1307 || CPTR 212 or CPTR 215; MATH 120 || Computer Networking A top-down approach 7th edition ISBN: 978-0-1335-9414-0 ||
|| [[WebServices|CPTR 446]] Fall Even || 9:30 AM TTH HSC 1213 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 || Ultimate ASP.NET CORE WEB API - From Complete Noob to Six-Figure Backend Developer. See https://www.code-maze.com/ ||
|| [[OffensiveSecurity|CPTR 444/544]] Fall Odd || 4:30 PM T HSC 1110 || CPTR 328, MATH 191, MATH 280 or equiv. || Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible. ISBN: 978-1119719083 (May 14, 2021) ||
|| [[DirectedStudies|CPTR 495]] || TBA || Permission of instructor || TBA ||
|| [[ChristianService|CPTE 300]] || TBA || Permission of Instructor || TBA ||

== Winter Semester ==

||<#cccccc>'''Winter Classes''' ||<#cccccc>'''Time(s)/Location(s)''' ||<#cccccc>'''Prerequisites''' ||<#cccccc>'''Text Book(s)''' ||
|| [[DatabaseManagementSystems|CPTR 319]] || 10 AM MWF HSC 1307 || CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215 ||Database System Concepts 6th Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-352332-3 ||
|| [[NetworkSecurity|CPTR 427]] || 11 AM MW HSC 1307 || CPTR 328 Recommended CPTR 254|| CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Cert Guide Academic Edition AND ||
|| || Lab: 2:00-4:30 TH 1213 || || ISBN: 0-7897-5912-2 AND The Code Book​, Singh, Anchor, ISBN: 0-385-49532-3 AND||
|| || || || Resource Available on this Wiki ||
|| [[IssuesInComputerScienceAndReligion|CPTR 575]] || 4:30 PM - 7:10 PM T HSC 1307 || None || Always Prepared: Answers to questions about our faith. ISBN: 978-0-8163-2502-3 ||
|| [[DirectedStudies|CPTR 495]] || TBA || Permission of instructor || TBA ||
|| [[ChristianService|CPTE 300]] || TBA || Permission of Instructor || TBA ||

Standard Syllabus


Fall 2021 - Winter 2022


HSC 1117H











This syllabus covers classes listed at the bottom of this page. Each class has a link to additional syllabus information including Pr-requisites, Textbook(s), course purpose, goals/objectives, and resources. If you are viewing this link in printed form, see https://dra.cs.southern.edu/StandardSyllabus to access links.

Grading Policies

Late Material

You are in college, late material will not be accepted.

Emailed Material

Unless specifically requested, no work will be accepted via email.

Weights and Scales

In general, weights for my classes follow the guide below. Some of my classes do not have one or more of these categories.

$$$Weight_x\% = \frac{Weight_x}{\sum_i Weight_i}$$$

Each class has a subset of the categories below. For example, let x=quiz, then the quiz category would worth $$\frac{10}{120}= 8.3\%$$, if we did not have a Lab category in eclass, then the the quiz category would be worth $$10\%$$.



Hand-in Policy



Online in access.southern.edu



Online in Eclass



Online in Gradescope xor Eclass



Online in Gradescope xor Eclass as a zip file



In person during lab or in a demonstration video turned on eclass



In Class xor as directed

Final Exam


In Class during test week unless you are eligible to skip

I do not generally give +/- grades. If you want to hear a nice soap-box style speech on grade inflation, ask me about that. Hence, I use the standard grade scale below. Your grade will always be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Grading Scale


90% - 100%


80% - 90%


70% - 80%


60% - 70%


< 60%

Academic Honesty: Cheating

Cheating will not be tolerated. Verified incidents of dishonesty may receive a punishment as specified in the catalog (see: Procedures for Handling Academic Dishonesty. Unless specifically communicated in class verbally or in writing, collaboration on any work in this class is considered cheating. In addition, the School of Computing has an additional policy on academic honesty. See [We need a link here]

Skipping the final exam

To skip the final exam, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must not come to class or office hours sick!
  • All coursework must be completed and turned in on time.
  • Your course grade before the final must remain the same if I were to give you your category test grade for your final.
  • You must receive a grade offer via email prior to the end of the last regularly scheduled class.

The professor reserves the right to refuse to give a grade offer for any reason.

Corrections on Work

It is the responsibility of the student to review the homework and tests. Your teachers are not infallible and I personally am happy to correct any mistakes you find provided that you notify me in a reasonable time. What is reasonable? You have one week from the time I return your work (of any kind) to request that I review your work. For work on gradescope, please request the re-grade on gradescope, all other corrections must be emailed to me or brought to my office during office hours.

In addition, all grade changes/corrections must be made by the end of the last regularly scheduled class.

Extra Credit

There is only one way to get extra credit in this course. For those willing to maintain 35 hours of sleep between Sunday night and Thursday night (average 7 hours or more a night) and eat a healthy breakfast each morning (donuts do not count, at least cereal, and juice or some kind of fruit – dried fruit works if you are in a hurry), I will add 10 percent to your quizzes. There will be a question on the final exam about your participation in this opportunity. Extra credit does not factor into being able to skip the final exam.

Methods of Instruction

Quizzes cover reading assignments for each chapter as listed on eclass. You must complete the quiz for the day prior to coming to class. Dates and times are given on eclass.

Homework assignments will have a due date on the schedule.

Tests will cover chapters as shown in the schedule and online. Written chapter tests evaluate performance for each chapter covered and a final comprehensive test will cover all material.

Projects if required - see schedule.

There are three types of Projects allowed:

  1. Individual projects – You may choose to do an individual programming project. You may complete a web or desktop application in .NET. No other platform will be accepted.
  2. Group project – A small group may decide to work on a single project. For group projects it would be expected that the project would be more involved (or complex) than an individual project. The detailed project proposal must clearly outline the responsibilities of each of the participants so that I will be able to evaluate each participant’s part of the total project. Students must complete a presentation of their project including a demonstration.
  3. Level II service project. These must be approved individually. Don't wait! See Dr. A at the beginning of the semester if you want to do a Level II service project.

Attendance Policy

Under no circumstances are you to come and see me or attend class sick. If you are well, you are expected to be physically in class. Whether attending online or in-class, you must sign-in and mark your seat or list yourself as attending online.

Email, call or message me letting me know you won’t be in class and why. You may attend via zoom for class if you feel up to it. Otherwise, you are expected to be in class. Work is turned in online and hence you do not need to be in class to turn in work. Late work is not allowed to be made up unless, you have a university excused absence. See: Absences. For university excused absences describe in the forgoing link, you may make up work according to the following rules:

  1. Quizzes cannot be made up. All quizzes are online and you have ample opportunity to complete them before coming to class. If you have an university excused absence, I'll average it.
  2. You will have one additional class period for every class period you are out for an university approved absence of illnesses or emergencies. E.g. if you are sick Monday and there is a homework assignment due on Monday, and you come back to class on Wednesday (fully well I might add), then you will have till Friday to turn in the work.
  3. If you have a scheduled trip that allows you to miss class, you must make arrangements to turn in work on time.

Attendance grades are collected at midterm and final from the online attendance unless it is integrated into eClass.

Additional Linked Policies

Fall Semester

This general syllabus covers all my classes. Additional links to classes can be found below.

Fall Classes



Text Book(s)

CPTE 230 Fall

8:25 AM TTH HSC 1105

CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215

Windows Server 2019 Inside OUT. ISBN: 978-0-13-549227-7

Lab: 1:00-3:30 TH 1213

CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215

Free online at: https://pinky.scotnpatti.com/WindowsAdministration

CPTR 328 Fall

10:00 AM MWF HSC 1307

CPTR 212 or CPTR 215; MATH 120

Computer Networking A top-down approach 7th edition ISBN: 978-0-1335-9414-0

CPTR 446 Fall Even

9:30 AM TTH HSC 1213

CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215

Ultimate ASP.NET CORE WEB API - From Complete Noob to Six-Figure Backend Developer. See https://www.code-maze.com/

CPTR 444/544 Fall Odd

4:30 PM T HSC 1110

CPTR 328, MATH 191, MATH 280 or equiv.

Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible. ISBN: 978-1119719083 (May 14, 2021)

CPTR 495


Permission of instructor


CPTE 300


Permission of Instructor


Winter Semester

Winter Classes



Text Book(s)

CPTR 319

10 AM MWF HSC 1307

CPTE 212 OR CPTR 215

Database System Concepts 6th Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-352332-3

CPTR 427

11 AM MW HSC 1307

CPTR 328 Recommended CPTR 254

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Cert Guide Academic Edition AND

Lab: 2:00-4:30 TH 1213

ISBN: 0-7897-5912-2 AND The Code Book​, Singh, Anchor, ISBN: 0-385-49532-3 AND

Resource Available on this Wiki

CPTR 575

4:30 PM - 7:10 PM T HSC 1307


Always Prepared: Answers to questions about our faith. ISBN: 978-0-8163-2502-3

CPTR 495


Permission of instructor


CPTE 300


Permission of Instructor


StandardSyllabus (last edited 2024-05-13 19:07:52 by scot)