Directed Studies CPTR 495 (1-3 Credit hours)

Instructor: Scot Anderson, PhD (423) 236-2938

Office Hours:

(see for current office hours)

Course Description:

This course consists of directed studies in an area jointly chosen by the professor and the student.


To receive a passing grade in this course, the student must

  • Work approximately 100 clock hours on the assigned project per semester hour of academic credit to be awarded.
  • Meet regularly with their adviser as requested
  • Make substantive progress towards acquiring knowledge in the chosen area.
  • Submit a summary of hours worked and a description of the project duties completed during the semester.


This course adheres to the disability policy given at:


Grades for this course may include a standard A-F grading scale or Pass/Fail.

DirectedStudies (last edited 2020-10-13 16:57:28 by scot)