Technical Writing Class Schedule 2025
Note: This is the first year that this course is being taught. Consequently this schedule is a "proposed" schedule and subject to change without notices.
Week |
Date |
Description |
Assignment Notes/Ideas |
Due Date |
1 |
01/16/2025 |
LaTeX - The Overleaf Environment Knowing your way around, Grammarly, & the Document. Can I use AI for research? Yes… But! Why we read. Pick a topic |
HW01 - Create an Education account on Create an education account on Grammarly and get it ready to use with your browser. Read: before the next class. (You may skip sections: 2.5, 4.7, 4,8, 5.*, Appendix A.) |
01/23/2025 |
2 |
01/23/2025 |
LaTeX - Knowing your way around LaTeX and OverLeaf with references- Formatting your first paper with an image |
HW02 - Compiling your first paper. Convert an existing paper that they have written in the past to LaTeX. It must have images and references |
01/30/2025 |
3 |
01/30/2025 |
LaTeX - Philosophy and Practice of writing in LaTeX, using Grammarly and the rules of writing |
HW03 - Grammarly Practice / Dr. A's Rules for Writing Practice |
02/06/2025 |
4 |
02/06/2025 |
LaTeX - The nuances of Figures, Tables, Source Code, Labels and Refs |
HW04 - Using Grammarly plus Adding Figures, Tables, labels, references and source code etc. |
02/13/2025 |
5 |
02/13/2025 |
The purpose of Proposals, Project, Survey & Research Papers |
HW05 - Classify 10 papers as Project or Research papers |
02/20/2025 |
6 |
02/20/2025 |
Finding quality, relevant research: Google Scholar and other methods |
HW06 - Deciding your topic |
02/27/2025 |
7 |
02/27/2025 |
Mechanics - Writing clear, concise, and proper English for Computing Research |
8 |
03/06/2025 |
Mechanics Continued - Passive Voice and why we avoid it. |
HW08 - Correcting passive voice sentences and using Dr. A's rules for writing |
03/13/2025 |
9 |
03/13/2025 |
Mechanics Continued - The purpose of each section and the content they contain |
HW09 - Identify Contribution, Motivation, Problem statement, etc. |
03/20/2025 |
10 |
03/20/2025 |
Spring Break |
11 |
03/27/2025 |
Research - How do we reading and evaulating research for inclusion in your paper |
HW11 - Hand in a BibTeX file with an additional 10 references (different from what you turned in for HW08) that are relevant to your paper. Make sure that they include the following information in the comments: Relevance to your paper, Specific claims that you will use in your paper, contribution, and future work identified in the paper. |
04/03/2025 |
12 |
04/03/2025 |
Writing the introduction - the hardest section to write |
HW12 -Writing your introduction and background |
04/10/2025 |
13 |
04/10/2025 |
Writing up your work |
HW13 - Complete first draft ready |
04/17/2025 |
14 |
04/17/2025 |
Writing Conclusions and Future Work |
15 |
04/24/2025 |
Presenting your work |
HW15 - Turn in final draft of your Paper |
05/01/2025 |
16 |
05/01/2025 |
Presentations |
HW16 - Submit a recorded presentation or your research/project in this class |
05/05/2025 |
Final |
05/05/2025 |
Presentations |