Southern Portfolio
1. Curriculum Vitae
- Directory Information: Office and southern email
- Degrees Highest to lowest
- Awards (recent first)
- Teaching
- Committee membership with years
- Activities Peer reviewed separately
- Service Activities (comprehensive - with year context)
- Church included
- Categorize them.
2. Teaching Philosophy
- Teaching philosophy Essay
- Purpose
- Students and Students Needs
- Learning Styles
3. Self Assessment
- Teaching Assessment
- Basis for Evaluation
- Student Performance: Employers are telling us... % of student who get placed in their profession., Standardized tests?
Student Perceptions: Comments on course evals. Give extra credit. Look for patterns - Don't be dismissive. Analyze - not synthesis - This was discussed in our meeting and analysis was emphasized.
- Peer Evaluations: Comment on them - even if its just positive.
- Dean Eval: Comment on them can be very brief.
Application of Philosophy of ed.: Philosophy --> This is what I do.
- Summary
- Basis for Evaluation
- Contributions: be repetitive of Vitae
- Scholorship and professional contributions
4. Most recent dean eval. with synopsis
5. Past 5 years FPC-2 - Print out every course Fall 10 and Winter 11 Full course evaluation (printout for each course)
6. Straight forward. Minimum 3, but 2 outside school.
7. Goals need to tie into self evaluation.
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