Expense Report Instructions:

Require Information on Your Expense Report:

Please read the following guidelines of required information on your expense report.

Per Diem Rates Updated for 2025-Present

Auto Travel

$0.55 per mile

Full Day Per Diem - two meals


Half Day Per Diem - one meal


Fully Entertained


Moving Rates Updated 2024

Family Authorized Travel: (for a move to SAU only)

Employee and Spouse


-When fully intertained


Each Independent accompanying child


-When fully Entertained


Fully Entertained Per Diem can be claimed for incidental expenses any day that all your meals are covered (either by the hotel, a conference, or any other sponsoring group), and an overnight stay away from home is included in your trip; Fully Entertained Per Diem does not apply for day trips. Fully Entertained Per Diem cannot be combined with a Full or Half-day Per Diem.

Half-day Per Diem can only be claimed for day trips when returning to campus for a meal break is unreasonable. This is the most that can be claimed for day trips unless there are extenuating circumstances that your supervisor has approved.

Lodging in Lieu of Hotel

If an employee stays with friends or relatives rather than in a hotel, up to $25.00/night may be reported as lodging in lieu of hotel for any actual out-of-pocket costs related to a token of appreciation or reimbursement for their host (whether monetary or not); this is in addition to the standard per diem for meals, including fully entertained, based on policy.

Per diem and in lieu of hotel expenses should be reported separately in the expense report. The Lodging Receipt In Lieu of Hotel form can be found on the Human Resources website, www.southern.edu/hr, under forms. Please include this form with your expense report.

Amy Steele

Benefits and Compensation Manager

SouthernResources/ExpenseReportInstructions (last edited 2025-01-02 18:29:20 by scot)