NetworkSecurity / Prerequisites
- 7-Layer OSI model
- How to setup a network with windows or linux clients
- How to use commandline tools such as
- nslookup
- dig
- ifconfig / ipconfig
- arp
- netstat
- This list is incomplete, but this will get you started.
Operating Systems
You should be familiar with
- Windows (latest versions of client and at least a quick look at server)
- Linux (We have used both Ubuntu and CentOS types).
Mathematics and Datastructures
This class covers cryptography and hence needs some basic understanding of:
- MOD function as in $$10 ~mod~ 3 = 1$$ or $$10 \equiv 3 ~(mod~ 2)$$
- Boolean logic: AND/OR/NOT
- Bit operations (including boolean logic) shifts, complements, and XOR.
- Object Oriented programming concepts
- Lists, Hash tables and other data structures
- Programming in C# or a willingness to learn (You need experience in C#, and you will get some in this class.)