Hints for using Moodle LaTeX
The following is the template I use:
% See http://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/moodle/moodle.pdf % use \sa as a new command then do a search and replace in TeX Studio with regular expression: search= "\\sa\{([^\}]*)\}" and replace = "\begin{shortanswer} \item \1 \end{shortanswer}" % \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{moodle} \usepackage{graphicx} \newcommand{\sa}[1]{\begin{shortanswer}#1\end{shortanswer}} \begin{document} \begin{quiz}{Quiz Name} \end{quiz} \end{document}
Here are the Macros that I use:
\begin{cloze}[feedback={}]{x.y} \end{cloze} \begin{multi}[multiple,feedback={}]{x.y} question \item* True \item False \end{multi} \begin{numerical}[feedback={}]{x.y} \item[] answer \end{numerical \begin{matching}[shuffle=true,feedback={}]{x.y feedback={}} \item question \answer answer \item question \answer answer \item \answer answer \end{matching}
Process to include images or .svg files in a quiz
First create the file and convert it to a .png
Make sure it does not have a "." in in it.
b64.exe -e X.png X.enc
Re-run the LaTeX command and see if you get this in the output:
<IMG width=517 height=212 SRC="...