Brain Cloud Server

Installing Brain in 2024 - First we re-imaged the VPS through the cloudpanel on ionos!

There are some basic tools settings that I use regularly:

  1. joe editor # joe apt install joe

  2. permanently set hostname # hostnamectl set-hostname brain

  3. temporarily set hostname so I don't have to reboot now # hostname brain

Adding a named user

  1. Add named user besides root # adduser scot

  2. Add named user to sudo # usermod -aG sudo scot

Check SSH installation and fix it!

Install fail2ban and configure ssh service.

  1. Check if it is running # systemctl status ssh => it should be dead.

    1. Enable ssh systemctl enable ssh

  2. Install fail2ban # apt install fail2ban

    1. Configure based on information at

    2. Note that I don't have a jail.local instead I have a jail.conf
  3. Require ssh to use ssh-key
    1. copy a key to host # ssh-copy-id -i []

    2. Login # ssh -i [file] => works? Good!

    3. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_conf add:
      1. PasswordAuthentication no

      2. PubkeyAuthenticaqtion yes

    4. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_conf.d/50-cloud-init.conf
      1. PasswordAuthentication no

    5. restart ssh # systemctl restart ssh

    6. enable ssh # systemctl enable ssh

    7. Test it to make sure it works as required.

Install DNS Server Bind9

Done: this was a huge problem to accomplish and required frequent documentation reference. For configuration information refer to the installation or the backups.

Install Caddy

Install caddy to reverse proxy as needed.

HomeNetwork/Brain (last edited 2024-10-06 15:52:20 by scot)