Dynamic Max Count
This contains the ideas and notes for a Dynamic Max Count (Dynamic Max-in-time) aggregate operator
Instead of using Hyper-buckets that have constant densities which can not be updated reasonably using the MaxCountProgramNotes ideas, we propose a probabilistic method where by we define a probability density function in each hyper-bucket. In a sense we are not trying to minimize skew in the bucket creation process, but recognizing and modeling skew in each bucket. The added advantage to this concept is that a region equivalent to a hyper-bucket containing no points may be excluded from the index. Consequently the algorithm searches a smaller space. For example if it becomes necessary to shrink the size of a hyper-bucket to $$10~unit^6$$ size in a $$10000~unit^6$$ space we will have $$1\times10^{18}$$ buckets. With points concentrated in specific regions we will only have to track a fraction of these in the index.
Here is a description of the index:
- Index defines
- Spatial dimensions
- Bucket Dimensions
- Histogram divisions that determine the level of approximation in each hyper-bucket (see below)
- A multi-dimensional probability function preferably a function that uses functions as parameters e.g. $$p(x_u(t),x_l(t),y_u(t),y_l(t)[,z_u(t),z_l(t)])$$
A theory to update, delete or insert points and the distributions based on changes to points.
The above has been implemented in C# 8/15/2005.
Thus we maintain a database of 4-dimensional points that we index using 6-dimensional, probability buckets.
Dynamic Max-Count
The dynamic property of Max-Count is based on the dynamic index structure described above and in my paper (not currently online).
Given two query points that describe a lower and upper moving query hyper-rectangle, we first create a time partition ordering of indicating the time each hyper-bucket enters and leaves the query rectangle. This is done in two stages.
- Entry, exit and valid function time segments are determined for each bucket.
- Each bucket's corner verticies are checked for intesection time segments $$[entry,exit]$$ by solving a linear equation between the query points and the corner point.
- Using the list of entry and exit times for each dimension determine the hyper-bucket intersection time segment $$[Entry_{bucket},Exit_{bucket}]$$ by intersecting the time segments.
Add $$Entry_{bucket}$$, $$Exit_{bucket}$$ and all times t such that $$Entry_{bucket} \leq t \leq Exit_{bucket}$$ to a list to form the valid function time segments for this bucket.
Add the valid function time segments entry and exit values to the time partition order list with a tag indicating that at this time hyper-bucket ID is entering or leaving the query space.
- Create a valid hyper-bucket list and add or delete hyper-buckets to it as you traverse the time partition order list. For each partition add to the parition function the valid hyper-bucket functions.
- Traverse the list again maximizing each partition and keeping track of the maximum.
- return the maximum.
Density Functions
Essentially we are going to have a constant $c$ that is a multiplied by function f which is made up of $$x[j]$$ and $$a[j]$$. Thus we have the density function F as follows:
$$$F = c(a[0] x_0 + b[0])(a[1] x_1 + b[1])...(a[5] x_5 + b[5])$$$
In the Journal paper the Density Function is given by the following:
$$$F_i = \frac{b_i f_i}{n \mathop{\displaystyle\int}\limits_{B_i} f_i d \phi}$$$
$$f_i$$ is defined as follows:
$$$f_i = \mathop{\displaystyle\prod}\limits_j (f_{i,j} + p_i)$$$
$$f_{i,j}$$ is a trend function which we will implement as a linear function:
$$$f_{i,j} = a x_j + c_j$$$
where $$c_j$$ is a constant. Thus the form of the Density function is given by (2).