Adding Authentication/Authorization

These directions are based on chsakell's Blog Post

Step 1: Database Setup

That should finish the database setup.

Step 2: Configure your service to use the database for authentication

One of the most important things is that, when working with the latest technology, we use the latest documentation. I didn’t give you links to the latest documentation, I gave you a link to a tutorial that shows the process. Always look at the date for such tutorials, they may (and indeed often do) require you to expand your search to find current, canonical documentation.

  1. You have your WCF service App project (hereafter referred to as your “service” project). This is what gets deployed and this is where I’ll be making the majority of edits (almost all in the web.config file).
  2. Deploy the service to your remote IIS server.
    1. Test this! If it doesn't work now, it doesn't have a prayer of working later.
  3. At this point, I looked at the project called Membership and Role Provider in the link below:
    1. Membership and Role Provider

    2. Although this does show you how to change the web.config file, it does not show you much code. So to save you downloading a massive file and finding the right project in it, I’ve included the folder for this project here

NOTE: Your Membership and Role Provider is untrusted! That is, even though this is a standard normal forms authentication provider, IIS will complain. So follow the directions here to fix that problem. BUT BE WARNED, DON’T EVER DO THIS ON A PRODUCTION SERVER.