= Shooting Points with the Total Station = 1. Always get accurate boundary '''edges''' and '''corners''' when shooting the boundary of a locus. 1. Always make sure that loci corners and edges are '''shared''' when abutting another loci. You won't be shooting additional points, you must find ones if they exist or mark them to be shared in your notes and enter them as duplicate points in excel! 1. If you can't get the stadia rod to a point under an overhang, shoot the point reflectorless! == Total Station Setup == '''For an arbitrary grid on the first day:''' 1. Setup the total station over the Occupy point (see SetupTripod) 1. Start a new job 1. Add a new point to the job as (10,000, 10,000) with an elevation if you need it (we do) 1. Setup, B.S (Back Site) 1. Select the occupy point 1. Enter the height of the instrument (H.I.) and the height of the rod (H.R.) 1. Select a direction along one of the lines (estimating north) 1. Make sure the Back Site is set to Azimuth (for option 1, 3, 4) or B.S. Point (for option 2) 1. Option 2 is most often used to setup on an existing grid 1. The other options are more useful for establishing a grid or ad hoc measurements 1. Select B.S. Circle option to set : 1. Zero - will setup the grid to have a direction of zero where you are pointing 1. Azimuth - Used to set the direction as indicated between two points 1. Input Value - Allows you to set the value exactly for the direction you are pointing. 1. Use Instrument - uses the current grid position settings (not very useful) 1. Once you have reviewed your setup and are ''sure'' that it is correct, click the HC Set to set the horizontal circle to define the new azimuth. 1. Check the back site to see what kind of error there is (if you used the back site setup). If not, do check that you are getting reasonable directions and elevations. At the site this means shooting the '''datum''' point.