Setting up your computer to create VMs on the School of Computing Infrastructure

Microsoft no longer provides a Web Portal for System Center Virtual Machine Manager. Self service users now must interact with SCVMM through the console or through powershell. This document walks you through the process of setting up the VMM console on a windows 10 machine.



  1. Run powershell as administrator (I frequently use Powershell ISE)
  2. Enter the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and answer yes to all.

  3. Make sure that .NET 3.5 is installed
    1. Open up Settings
    2. Search for "Turn Windows features on or off" and click on it when it comes up.
    3. Make sure .Net 3.5 is installed, if not check the box and click ok.
  4. Now download this file: AdminConsole.msi

  5. From powershell (running as root), run AdminConsole.msi

When it finishes, you can open the Virtual Machine Manager

In this video I walk you through this process and show you how to setup a virtual machine.