Ansible: Check Disk space

   1 # checkdiskspaceall.yml
   2 ---
   3 - hosts: zcoin_masternodes
   4   vars_files: vault.yml
   5   become: yes
   6   become_method: sudo
   7   gather_facts: yes
   8   tasks:
   9      - name: Collect only facts about hardware
  10        setup:
  11          gather_subset:
  12            - 'hardware'
  14      - name: Test for available disk space
  15        setup: filter=ansible_mounts
  17      - name: Ensure that free space on the tested volume is greater than 15%
  18        assert:
  19          that:
  20            - mount.size_available > mount.size_total|float * 0.05
  21          msg: Disk space has reached 95% threshold
  22        vars:
  23          mount: "{{ ansible_mounts | selectattr('mount','equalto',item.mount) | list | first }}"
  24        with_items:
  25          - "{{ ansible_mounts }}"