Back to ComputerTerms Given an InvertedFile, we can convert it to a Lexicon (or Dictionary) and Posting file. Suppose we have the following InvertedFile: '''Inverted File:''' ||Term||||Document Number||||Frequency|| ||Computer||||2||||6|| ||CS||||1||||2|| ||CS||||2||||4|| ||CS||||3||||3|| ||CS||||4||||1|| ||Ferguson||||1||||5|| ||Ferguson||||5||||1|| ||Lincoln||||1||||2|| ||Lincoln||||2||||3|| ||university||||4||||2|| ||UNL||||1||||3|| ||UNL||||4||||2|| We would convert this through the following steps: step 1: The Lexicon table is created with the following form: ||Term|||| # of Total Hits accross all documents|| The Postings File contains: ||Document #||||# of hits for the current word|| ''Arrows are drawn from the Lexicon to the postings file to show the correlation between the two files. You can see that this is really a one-to-many relationship in the figure below. Back to ComputerTerms