= Chapter 4 Notes (start on "Frame and BoxView) = Title: '''Scrolling the Stack''' == Summary == All about scrolling a page that doesn't fit on the screen. === Programming Concepts Summary === ||'''Concept''' ||'''Page''' || || New Layouts were introduced: {{{AbsoluteLayout, Grid, RelativeLayout, StackLayout}}}, we'll be focusing on {{{StackLayout}}} || 60 || || Scrolling content - Using {{{LayoutOptions}}}.{{{[Start|Center|End|Fill]AndExpand}}} to allow the element that will scroll to fill the space || 70 || || Reflection and Linq to objects to create a list of Labels that show the results of different options || 72 || || {{{BoxView}}} is a filled rectangle || 74 || || {{{Frame}}} is a Layout descendant that can contain a single view or another layout. Background is white on iPhone, but transparent on the others. || 72 || == Programs == === ColorLoopPage === Page 61 Concepts: 1. Colorizing text Classes: No new classes here. === ColorList === Page 62 Concepts: A more painful way of creating the colorized text of the previous program Classes: No new classes. === ReflectedColors === Page 65 Concepts: 1. Reflection (See the .GetRuntimeFields() call) 1. ScrollView - actually scrolling the page. 1. Luminosity of the font used to determine background color. 1. Used the Device to get a named font size {{{GentNamedSize}}}. Classes: 1. ScrollVew === VerticalOptionsDemo === Page Concepts: 1. Linq to objects to create an IEnumerable