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|| Symbolic expressions / or just expressions |||| Atoms and lists collectively are called expressions. |||| ||
|| setf |||| (setf <name> <list>) creates a set called <name> that has the value <list> |||| (setf friends '(Dan Randy)) ||
|| Symbolic expressions / or [s-]expressions |||| Atoms and lists collectively are called expressions. |||| ||
|| setf |||| (setf [<name> <list>]*) is an assignment of <list> to <name> |||| (setf friends '(Dan Randy) enemies '(Satan)) ||
|| Data Types |||| See Figure 1 |||| ||
|| FIRST |||| (FIRST LIST) returns the first expression in the list |||| (FIRST (A B C)) --> A ||
|| REST |||| (REST LIST) returns the expression after the first element of the list as a list |||| (REST (A B C)) --> (B C) ||
|| QUOTE |||| '(I J) will return a list with the elements I and J without trying to interpret I as a function |||| '(A B C) --> (A B C)||
|| CARs CDRs |||| CAR == first, CDR == rest. Add a's or d's to string them to gether CADR == first rest |||| (CADR '(A B C)) --> B ||
|| True and False |||| T and NIL |||| ||
|| CONS |||| (CONS <exp> <list>) --> LIST == (exp list[1] ... list[n]) that is the contents of the list |||| (CONS 'a '(b c)) --> (a b c) ||
|| APPEND |||| (APPEND list list*) --> (content contents1 ... contentsn) |||| (append '(a b c) '(a e f)) --> (a b c a e f) ||
|| LIST |||| (LIST <exp>*) --> (exp1 ... expn) |||| (LIST 'a 'b 'c) --> (a b c) ||
|| NTHCDR |||| (NTHCDR <number> <list>) trims off the first <number> items from the list and returns the rest |||| (NTHCDR 2 '(a b c)) --> (c) ||
|| BUTLAST |||| (BUTLAST <number> <list>) trims off the last <number> itmes from the list and returns the rest |||| (BUTLAST 2 '(a b c)) --> (a) ||
|| LAST |||| (LAST <list>) --> (last-element) as a list |||| (LAST '(a b c)) --> (c) ||
|| LENGTH |||| (LENGTH <list>) --> number of items in the list |||| (LENGTH '(a b c)) --> 3 ||
|| REVERSE |||| (REVERSE <list>) --> reverses the order of the list |||| (REVERSE '(a b c)) --> (c b a) ||
|| Association list / a-list |||| A list of sublists where the first element in each sublist is used as a key for recovering the entire list. |||| (setf Patti '((height 5-10) (weight 124))) where height and weight are the keys ||
|| ASSOC |||| Is a way to access a-lists (ASSOC <key> <a-list>) |||| (ASSOC 'weight Patti) --> 124 ||
|| FLOAT |||| Forces a float result (FLOAT <exp>) --> float-value |||| (float (/ 22 7)) --> 3.14286 vs. (/ 22 7) --> 22/7 which is a ratio ||
|| ROUND |||| (ROUND <exp>) --> int remainder |||| (round (/ 22 7)) --> 3 1/7 ||
|| MAX |||| (MAX <list>) --> max element in list |||| (max '(1 2 3)) --> 3 ||
|| MIN |||| (MIN <list>) --> min element in list |||| similar ||
|| EXPT |||| Stand for exponent (expt number1 number2) --> number1^number2 |||| (expt 2 3) --> 8 ||


                     | |
                     | |Floating Point
             | |
Expressions -| |Symbol

Figure 1





Like types: the fundamental items formed from bits

27, 3.14, This-Phrase


Sentence like objects containing atoms or other lists.

'(this that the other thing)

Symbolic expressions / or [s-]expressions

Atoms and lists collectively are called expressions.


(setf [<name> <list>]*) is an assignment of <list> to <name>

(setf friends '(Dan Randy) enemies '(Satan))

Data Types

See Figure 1


(FIRST LIST) returns the first expression in the list

(FIRST (A B C)) --> A


(REST LIST) returns the expression after the first element of the list as a list

(REST (A B C)) --> (B C)


'(I J) will return a list with the elements I and J without trying to interpret I as a function

'(A B C) --> (A B C)


CAR == first, CDR == rest. Add a's or d's to string them to gether CADR == first rest

(CADR '(A B C)) --> B

True and False

T and NIL


(CONS <exp> <list>) --> LIST == (exp list[1] ... list[n]) that is the contents of the list

(CONS 'a '(b c)) --> (a b c)


(APPEND list list*) --> (content contents1 ... contentsn)

(append '(a b c) '(a e f)) --> (a b c a e f)


(LIST <exp>*) --> (exp1 ... expn)

(LIST 'a 'b 'c) --> (a b c)


(NTHCDR <number> <list>) trims off the first <number> items from the list and returns the rest

(NTHCDR 2 '(a b c)) --> (c)


(BUTLAST <number> <list>) trims off the last <number> itmes from the list and returns the rest

(BUTLAST 2 '(a b c)) --> (a)


(LAST <list>) --> (last-element) as a list

(LAST '(a b c)) --> (c)


(LENGTH <list>) --> number of items in the list

(LENGTH '(a b c)) --> 3


(REVERSE <list>) --> reverses the order of the list

(REVERSE '(a b c)) --> (c b a)

Association list / a-list

A list of sublists where the first element in each sublist is used as a key for recovering the entire list.

(setf Patti '((height 5-10) (weight 124))) where height and weight are the keys


Is a way to access a-lists (ASSOC <key> <a-list>)

(ASSOC 'weight Patti) --> 124


Forces a float result (FLOAT <exp>) --> float-value

(float (/ 22 7)) --> 3.14286 vs. (/ 22 7) --> 22/7 which is a ratio


(ROUND <exp>) --> int remainder

(round (/ 22 7)) --> 3 1/7


(MAX <list>) --> max element in list

(max '(1 2 3)) --> 3


(MIN <list>) --> min element in list



Stand for exponent (expt number1 number2) --> number1^number2

(expt 2 3) --> 8

                     |         |
                     |         |Floating Point
             |       |
Expressions -|       |Symbol

Figure 1

LispNotes (last edited 2006-01-18 19:29:29 by velociraptor)