Installing Windows Server

Install Windows Server (Desktop Experience) on one of your remaining VMs.

On Windows setup your network with the following information:

To do this, run sconfig (if you have a GUI, you can still do this from PowerShell). While you are at it, make sure you've got all of the following configured:

  1. [no change]
  2. Set to CPTR230A
  3. [no change]
  4. Enable remote access
  5. [no change]
  6. [no change]
  7. Enable remote desktop
  8. Configure your network settings here.
  9. Set the timezone to Eastern
  10. [no change]
  11. If you haven't done it yet, enter the key and activate your server
  12. [No change ....]


Start your Windows Server to installing updates.

InstallWindowsServerVm (last edited 2024-05-15 18:35:37 by scot)