This is my GNU Plot help page. Which mostly includes examples of my own making. The script below was used to generate graphics in the ACMTODS paper. The script is in the location indicated by the "cd" command. {{{ cd 'h:\unl\research\DynamicMaxCount' set terminal postscript eps monochrome blacktext set grid lt -1 unset key unset label 10 unset label 11 unset label 12 unset label 13 set xlabel "X" 0,-2 set ylabel "Y" -2,0 set xtics axis 0,1,10 set ytics axis 0,1,10 set size .7,.91 set xrange [0:10] set yrange [0:10] set output "pointssplit3.eps" plot 'example1_data.txt' with points 9 set output set parametric set label 10 "A" at 4.45,5.5 set label 11 "B" at 5.45,5.5 set label 12 "C" at 4.45,4.5 set label 13 "D" at 5.45,4.5 set trange [0:10] set output "pointssplit_boxed.eps" plot 'example1_data.txt' with points 9, 5,t lt -1 lw 2, t,5 lt -1 lw 2 set output }}}