Dive Terms

The NAUI terms - different than what I learned in NASDS

Note for computer users record only:


  1. (A)MDT - (Adjusted) Maximum Dive Time
  2. ADT - Actual Dive Time
  3. D - Depth
  4. PD/PD+ - Precautionary Depth stop/+ means deep stop.
  5. RNT - Residual Nitrogen Time.
  6. SAC - Surface Air Consumption
  7. SIT - Surface Interval Time
  8. TNT - Total Nitrogen Time

Nitrox Related Terms

  1. EAD - Equivalent Air Depth
  2. MOD - Maximum operating depth solves equation 1 below for Depth, Best Mix would give a depth and solve for <<latex($O_{2}\%$)>>.

  3. ATA - Atmospheres absolute (think French) 1 bar = .986923 atm OR 1 bar=1 atm, and 10 M = 1 ATM. ATA = Depth / 33 + 1.
  4. CNS - Central Nervous system oxygen toxicity.


  1. <<latex($Partial~Pressure = O_{2}\% \cdot Depth_{ATA}$)>>

  2. Henry's Lay states: <<latex($Residual~Nitrogen \sim depth$)>> That is, the level of in-gassing you will incur is directly proportional to your depth.