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Revision 4 as of 2003-09-16 23:33:34
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Editor: yakko
Revision 5 as of 2003-09-25 01:31:15
Size: 742
Editor: yakko
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   * Routing loops between neighbors can be fixed with either SplitHorizon or SplitHorizon with poison reverse.

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Routing Algorithm

The Distance Vector algorithm is one in which global information is given to local nodes - that is neighboring nodes. Below is a table of how a node interacts with it's peers.



Broadcasts information to it's neighbors


(Destination, Cost) tuples


Periodically and when triggered by a change. Information is deleted after a time out.


  • Converges when the topology is static
  • Suseptible to routing loops - race to infinity problem.
  • Routing loops between neighbors can be fixed with either SplitHorizon or SplitHorizon with poison reverse.

Example: InteriorGatewayRoutingProtocol (IGRP)

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DistanceVector (last edited 2003-09-25 17:49:53 by yakko)