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Revision 3 as of 2009-09-02 12:28:18
Size: 418
Editor: anderson-camtasia
Revision 6 as of 2020-01-26 17:30:20
Size: 424
Editor: scot
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Delay refers to the RTT (round trip time), and bandwidth is measured in bits/s. Therefore the delay X bandwidth product is the amount of data (bits) in the pipe or unacknowledged in one round trip time. Given x bits for the advertised window [[latex($$2^x \geq Delay~X~Bandwith$$)]] means that you can continuously send data if acks arrive in RTT/2 time as expected. Delay refers to the RTT (round trip time), and bandwidth is measured in bits/s. Therefore the delay $$\times$$ bandwidth product is the amount of data (bits) in the pipe or unacknowledged in one round trip time. Given $$x$$ bits for the advertised window $$2^x \geq Delay~X~Bandwith$$ means that you can continuously send data if acks arrive in $$RTT/2$$ time as expected.

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Delay refers to the RTT (round trip time), and bandwidth is measured in bits/s. Therefore the delay $$\times$$ bandwidth product is the amount of data (bits) in the pipe or unacknowledged in one round trip time. Given $$x$$ bits for the advertised window $$2^x \geq Delay~X~Bandwith$$ means that you can continuously send data if acks arrive in $$RTT/2$$ time as expected.

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DelayBandwidthProduct (last edited 2020-01-26 17:30:20 by scot)