This is the query that took forever before it was changed. {{{ $employeeQuery = " SELECT TOP " . ($displayRows + 1) . " MAX(t.TrainingDate) as LastTrained, neededTraining.* FROM TrainingEvents t RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM ( --What they are supposed to have SELECT E.ID as E_ID, E.LastName + ', ' + E.FirstName AS Name, l.LocationDescription, s.ShiftDescription, wi.Revision, wi.ID AS WI_ID, wi.FormNumber, wi.Title AS WorkTitle, wi.JobCodeID, wi.ExternalTraining FROM Employees E inner join JobCodeEmployeeLink jcel ON E.ID = jcel.PersonID inner join JobCodes jc ON jcel.JobCodeID= jc.ID inner join WorkInstructions wi ON jc.ID = wi.JobCodeID inner join Location l ON l.ID = E.LocationID inner join [Shift] s ON s.ID = E.ShiftID WHERE (YEAR(E.HireDate) >= 2013 OR (YEAR(wi.LastUpdated) >= 2013)) AND (E.Active = 1)"; if ($_SESSION["userType"] != "Admin") { $employeeQuery .= " AND E.LocationID = " . $_SESSION['location']; } if ($_SESSION["userType"] == "Supervisor") { $employeeQuery .= " AND E.ShiftID = " . $_SESSION['shift']; } $employeeQuery .= " EXCEPT --What they have SELECT e.ID as E_ID, e.LastName + ', ' + e.FirstName AS Name, l.LocationDescription, s.ShiftDescription, t.RevisionNumber as Revision, w.ID as WI_ID, w.FormNumber, w.Title AS WorkTitle, w.JobCodeID, w.ExternalTraining FROM Employees e, TrainingEvents t, WorkInstructions w, Location l, [Shift] s WHERE e.ID=t.PersonID AND t.WorkInstructionID = w.ID AND e.LocationID=l.ID) AS neededTrainingSubset) neededTraining ON t.PersonID=neededTraining.E_ID AND t.WorkInstructionID=neededTraining.WI_ID AND t.RevisionNumber < neededTraining.Revision GROUP BY neededTraining.E_ID, neededTraining.FormNumber, neededTraining.JobCodeID, neededTraining.LocationDescription, neededTraining.Name, neededTraining.Revision, neededTraining.ShiftDescription, neededTraining.WI_ID, neededTraining.WorkTitle, neededTraining.ExternalTraining ;"; }}}