Attachment 'Csce877Ch5Notes.tex'
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11 \begin{document}
13 \maketitle
15 \begin{abstract}
17 \end{abstract}
19 \section{Advanced Encryption Standard}
21 \subsection{Evaluation Criteria for AES}
23 Essentially the cipher's submitted NIST for AES were judged on three broad categories
25 \begin{enumerate}
26 \item Security
27 \begin{enumerate}
28 \item Actual security compared with other submitted algorithms
29 \item Randomness
30 \item Soundness (mathematical)
31 \item Other security factors
32 \end{enumerate}
33 \item Cost
34 \begin{enumerate}
35 \item Licensing
36 \item Computational Efficency
37 \item Memory Requirements
38 \end{enumerate}
39 \item Algorithm and implementation characteristics
40 \begin{enumerate}
41 \item Flexibility in key and block size, wide variety of plateforms and applications, and USE: implemented as a stream cipher, message authentication code, random number generator.
42 \item Hareware and software suitable
43 \item Simplicity
44 \end{enumerate}
45 \end{enumerate}
47 \subsection{The AES Cipher}
49 Figure \ref{fig:aes_diagram} shows a diagram of the AES cipher. Look through the review questions below for a good explanation of each step.
51 \begin{figure}[htb]
52 \centering
53 \includegraphics[width=.65\textwidth]{AES_Diagram.png}
54 \caption{AES cipher diagram.}\label{fig:aes_diagram}
55 \end{figure}
57 \subsection{Review Questions}
59 \textbf{What was the original set of criteria used by NIST to evaluate candidate AES ciphers?}
61 In general they said:
62 \begin{enumerate}
63 \item Security strength equal to or greater than 3DES
64 \item Significantly improved efficiency
65 \item Symmetric block cipher with a block length of 128 bits.
66 \item Support key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits.
67 \end{enumerate}
69 \textbf{The specific evaluation criteria:}
70 \begin{enumerate}
71 \item Security: This referes to the effort required to cryptanalyze an algorithm.
72 \item Cost: Practical, Efficient enough to use on high bandwidth links and high speed applications.
73 \item Algorithm and Implementation Characteristics: flexibility, suitability for a variety of hardware and software implementations, simplicity
74 \end{enumerate}
76 \textbf{What was the final set?}
78 \begin{enumerate}
79 \item General Security:
80 \begin{enumerate}
81 \item Software Implementations: Speed
82 \item Hardware Implementations: small hardware size to keep cost down.
83 \item Attacks on Implementations: timing attacks and power attacks.
84 \item Encryption versus decryption: Are they the same...
85 \item Key agility: ability to change keys quickly and efficiently
86 \end{enumerate}
87 \item Other versatility and fexibility: Parameter flexibility (other key and block sizes, change in the number of rounds),
88 \item Implementation Flexibility (optimizing cipher elements for particular environments).
89 \item Potential for instruction-level parallelism:The ability to exploit ILP in processors.
90 \end{enumerate}
92 \textbf{What is the power analysis?} Observing the power used to detect a multiply or add operation or to see if ones or zeros are being written.
94 \textbf{What is the difference between Rijndael and AES?} Rijndael took different blocks sizes of 128, 192, 256. AES only takes 128.
96 \textbf{What is the purpose of the \textit{state} array?} The state array holds the input block that is massaged through each round.
98 \textbf{How is the S-Box constructed?}
100 \begin{enumerate}
101 \item Initialize the $S-Box$ with the byte values in ascending sequence row
102 by row\newline
103 $\left[
104 \begin{array}{cccc}
105 00 & 01 & ... & 0F \\
106 10 & 11 & ... & 1F \\
107 \vdots & & \ddots & \\
108 F0 & F1 & & FF%
109 \end{array}%
110 \right] $\newline
111 Thus any element value in row A element B is 0xAB
113 \item Map each byte in the S-Box to its multiplicative inverse in $GF(2^{8})$
114 where $00\rightarrow 00$.
116 \item Each byte in the S-Box consists of 8 bits labeled $%
117 (b_{7},b_{6},...,b_{0})$. Apply the following transformation to each bit of
118 each byte:%
119 \[
120 b_{i}^{\prime}=b_{i}\oplus b_{\left( i+4\right) \operatorname{mod}8}\oplus
121 b_{\left( i+5\right) \operatorname{mod}8}\oplus b_{\left( i+6\right)
122 \operatorname{mod}8}\oplus b_{\left( i+7\right) \operatorname{mod}8}\oplus
123 c_{i}
124 \]
125 where $c_{i}$ is the $i^{th}$ bit of byte $c$ with the value $\left\{
126 63\right\} $. That is $\left( c_{7}c_{6}c_{5}c_{4}c_{3}c_{2}c_{1}%
127 c_{0}\right) =\left( 01100011\right) $.
128 \end{enumerate}
131 \textbf{Briefly describe Sub Bytes.}
133 SubBytes: Uses the S-box described above to perform a byte-by-byte substitution of the state (or input) block as show in Figure~\ref{fig:subbytes}
135 \begin{figure}
136 \centering
137 \includegraphics{AES_SubBytes.png}
138 \caption{S-Box substitution}\label{fig:subbytes}
139 \end{figure}
141 In the decryption algorithm an Inverse-S-Box is used. $S:EA \rightarrow 87$ and $S^{-1}:87 \rightarrow EA$.
143 \textbf{Briefly describe ShiftRow Transformation.}
145 To perform the ShiftRow transformation, we take the state and ''left circular shift'' row 0 by 0 byts, 1 by 1 byte, row 2 by 2 bytes, and row 3 by 3 bytes. To perform the inverse we use right shifts instead of left shifts.
148 \textbf{How many bytes in ''State'' are affected by Shift Rows?} 12 Bytes
151 \textbf{Briefly describe MixColumns.}
153 MixColumns operates on each column individually and is defined by the
154 following matrix multiplication on state:%
155 \[
156 \left[
157 \begin{array}
158 [c]{cccc}%
159 02 & 03 & 01 & 01\\
160 01 & 02 & 03 & 01\\
161 01 & 01 & 02 & 03\\
162 03 & 01 & 01 & 02
163 \end{array}
164 \right] \left[
165 \begin{array}
166 [c]{cccc}%
167 S_{0,0} & S_{0,1} & S_{0,2} & S_{0,3}\\
168 S_{1,0} & S_{1,1} & S_{1,2} & S_{1,3}\\
169 S_{2,0} & S_{2,1} & S_{2,2} & S_{2,3}\\
170 S_{3,0} & S_{3,1} & S_{3,2} & S_{3,3}%
171 \end{array}
172 \right] =%
173 \begin{array}
174 [c]{cccc}%
175 S_{0,0}^{\prime} & S_{0,1}^{\prime} & S_{0,2}^{\prime} & S_{0,3}^{\prime}\\
176 S_{1,0}^{\prime} & S_{1,1}^{\prime} & S_{1,2}^{\prime} & S_{1,3}^{\prime}\\
177 S_{2,0}^{\prime} & S_{2,1}^{\prime} & S_{2,2}^{\prime} & S_{2,3}^{\prime}\\
178 S_{3,0}^{\prime} & S_{3,1}^{\prime} & S_{3,2}^{\prime} & S_{3,3}^{\prime}%
179 \end{array}
180 \]
182 In the matrix multiplication we must remember that we are doing multiplication
183 in $G\left( 2^{8}\right) $. We do multiplication as follows:%
184 \begin{align*}
185 01\ast S_{i,j} & =S_{i,j}\\
186 02\ast S_{i,j} & =\left\{
187 \begin{array}
188 [c]{cc}%
189 (b_{6}b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}0) & if~~b_{7}=0\\
190 (b_{6}b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}0)\oplus(00011011) & if~~b_{7}=1
191 \end{array}
192 \right. \\
193 03\ast S_{i,j} & =\left\{
194 \begin{array}
195 [c]{cc}%
196 (b_{6}b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}0)\oplus(b_{7}b_{6}b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}%
197 b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}) & if~~b_{7}=0\\
198 (b_{6}b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}0)\oplus(00011011)\oplus(b_{7}b_{6}%
199 b_{5}b_{4}b_{3}b_{2}b_{1}b_{0}) & if~~b_{7}=1
200 \end{array}
201 \right.
202 \end{align*}
204 The inverse matrix is even uglier because it contains elements such as $0x$ where $x \geq 9$.
207 \textbf{Briefly describe Add Round Key.}
209 Recall that the $key$ is $4-32$ bit words. and that the key block is arranged
210 \[
211 k=\left[
212 \begin{array}
213 [c]{cccc}%
214 w_{0} & w_{1} & w_{2} & w_{3}%
215 \end{array}
216 \right]
217 \]
218 where each word is a column of 32 bits. to write this as a square we just
219 break the 32 bits into 8 bit bytes per row. Then we can just $\oplus$ the
220 state with the key to get the next state:%
221 \[
222 \left[
223 \begin{array}
224 [c]{cccc}%
225 S_{0,0} & S_{0,1} & S_{0,2} & S_{0,3}\\
226 S_{1,0} & S_{1,1} & S_{1,2} & S_{1,3}\\
227 S_{2,0} & S_{2,1} & S_{2,2} & S_{2,3}\\
228 S_{3,0} & S_{3,1} & S_{3,2} & S_{3,3}%
229 \end{array}
230 \right] \oplus\left[
231 \begin{array}
232 [c]{cccc}%
233 w_{0,0} & w_{1,0} & w_{2,0} & w_{3,0}\\
234 w_{0,1} & w_{1,1} & w_{2,1} & w_{3,1}\\
235 w_{0,2} & w_{1,2} & w_{2,2} & w_{3,2}\\
236 w_{0,3} & w_{1,3} & w_{2,3} & w_{3,3}%
237 \end{array}
238 \right]
239 \]
241 \textbf{Breifly describe the key expansion algorithm.}
243 \begin{tabbing}
244 We start with a 16 byte (128 bit) key and perform the following: \smallskip
245 \= KeyExpansion(byte key[16], word w[44]) \\
246 \> { \\
247 \> \= word temp \\
248 \> \> for (i=0; i<4; i++) w[i] = (key[4*i], key[4*i+1], key[4*i+2], key[4*i+3]); \\
249 \> \> \= for (i=4; i<44; i++) \\
250 \> \> \> { \\
251 \> \> \> \= temp = w[i-1]; \\
252 \> \> \> \> if (i mod 4 = 0) temp = SubWord(RotWord(temp)) XOR Rcon[i/4]; \\
253 \> \> \> \> w[i] = w[i-4] XOR temp \\
254 \> \> \> } \\
255 \> \> RotWord(word x) performs a left circular rotation by 1 word. \\
256 \> \> SubWord(word x) uses the S-Box as a lookup table to perform a substitution of each byte in the word. \\
257 \> } \\
258 \end{tabbing}
261 \textbf{What is the difference between SubBytes and SubWord?}
263 SubBytes performs takes a byte and performs the substitution using the S-Box. SubWord takes a word (4 bytes) and performs SubBytes on each byte in place.
266 \textbf{What is the difference between ShiftRows and RotWord?}
268 Nothing really except that Shift Rows really does shift a row, and the words are stored in a column which for RotWord we can view as a row.
270 \textbf{What is the difference between the AES decryption algorithm and the equivalent inverse cipher?}
272 Because Round 10 is different than the other rounds you can not just reverse the process. Plus you must use inverse S-box which is not the same as the original S-Box. similarly the SubBytes and MixCols are not there own inverse, thus the decryption can not be the same as the encryption.
274 \end{document}
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