Differences between revisions 37 and 110 (spanning 73 versions)
Revision 37 as of 2003-10-03 19:35:35
Size: 1162
Editor: yakko
Revision 110 as of 2004-03-26 21:14:50
Size: 2621
Editor: yakko
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
   * AddressingModes
   * AmdahlsLaw
Line 4: Line 6:
   * AverageNormalizedExecutionTime
   * ["Bijection"]
   * BooleanAlgebra
   * BooleanTerm
   * BoothsAlgorithm
   * CaChe
   * CacheBlock
   * CacheLine
Line 6: Line 16:
   * [Dichotomy]    * CpuTime
   * CriticalSection
   * CyclesPerInstruction (CPI)
   * DataPath
   * ["Decidable"] and SemiDecidable
   * DelayBandwidthProduct
   * DelayedBranch
   * ["Dichotomy"]
Line 10: Line 27:
   * ExecutionTime
   * ExpectedValue
Line 12: Line 31:
   * FiveClassicPartsOfaComputer
   * FixedPoint
   * FloatingPointRepresentation (IEEE 754)
Line 13: Line 35:
   * FrameBuffer
   * FreeBooleanAlgebra
   * GeometricMean
   * GroundClause
   * GroundBooleanTerm
   * HammingCode
   * HardwareDesignPrinciples
Line 14: Line 43:
   * InformationRetrievalSystem
Line 19: Line 49:
   * LogicalImplication (|= symbol)    * InstructionSetArchitecture (ISA)
   * InvertedFile
   * PostingFile
   * LogicalImplication (|= symbol and also |-)
   * LogicalMemory
Line 21: Line 55:
   * ["Latency"]
Line 22: Line 57:
   * LinkerSteps
Line 24: Line 60:
   * MemoryHierarchy
   * MemoryStallClockCycles
Line 26: Line 64:
   * MultiProtocolLabelSwitching (MPLS)    * MonotoneBooleanTerm
   * ObjectFile
Line 29: Line 68:
   * PageTable
   * ["Performance"]
   * PipeLine
Line 30: Line 72:
   * ["Propositions" "PropositionalLogic"] or PropositionalLogic    * PowerSet
   * ["Proposition"] or PropositionalLogic
   * ["Processor"] or CPU
   * QueuingTheory
   * RaceCondition
   * RecursivelyEnumerableSets
   * ["Register"] (MIPS register)
   * RelationallyComplete
   * ResponseTime
Line 35: Line 85:
   * SemanticsSyntaxSortsInLogic
   * SemiDecidable and ["Decidable"]
   * SequenceNumber
   * SlidingWindowProtocol
   * SpatialExtent
   * SpeedUp
   * SuperScalar
Line 36: Line 93:
   * TcpFastRetransmit
   * TcpFastRecovery
   * ThroughPut
   * TransmissionControlProtocol (TCP)
Line 38: Line 99:
   * ["Undecidable"]
Line 39: Line 101:
   * VirtualMemory
   * WallClockTime

ComputerTerms (last edited 2020-02-02 17:49:07 by scot)