Back to ComputerTerms See attachment:booleanalgebra.pdf / attachment:booleanalgebra.tex for complete pdf description. A Boolean algebra B is a sextuple The following rules hold for a boolean algebra: {{{ Distributive + over * : x + (y * z) = (x + y) * (x + z) Addition of Complement : x + x' = 1 Additive Identity : x + 0 = x : 0 <> 1 Commutivitity : x * y = y * x Distributive * over + : x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) : x * x' = 0 Multiplicative Identity : x * 1 = x : x * x = x }}} SEE ALSO: * BooleanTerm * GroundBooleanTerm * MonotoneBooleanTerm * FreeBooleanAlgebra * PresburgerArithmetic Back to ComputerTerms