= Technical Writing Class Schedule 2024 = Note: This is the first year that this course is being taught. Consequently this schedule is a "proposed" schedule and subject to change without notices. ||Week||Date||Description||Assignment Notes||Due Date|| ||1||01/11/2024||LaTeX - Setting up the Environment||HW01 - Demo your Env.||01/18/2024|| ||2||01/18/2024||LaTeX - Knowing your way around LaTeX||HW02 - Compiling your first paper||01/25/2024|| ||3||01/25/2024||LaTeX - Philosophy and Practice of writing in LaTeX||--(HW03 - Why LaTeX, the benefits)--||02/01/2024|| ||4||02/01/2024||LaTeX - Figures, Tables, Source Code, Labels and Refs||HW04 - Using Grammarly plus Adding Figures, Tables, labels, references, and source code. ||02/08/2024|| ||5||02/08/2024||Mechanics - Writing clear, concise, and proper English for Computing Research||--(HW05 - Correcting a paper using Dr. A's Rules for writing)--||02/15/2024|| ||6||02/15/2024||Mechanics Continued - Passive Voice and why we avoid it. ||HW06 - Correcting passive voice sentences and using Dr. A's Rules for writing||02/22/2024|| ||7||02/22/2024||Mechanics Continued - The purpose of each section and the content they contain||HW07 - Identify Contribution, Motivation, Problem statement, etc.||02/29/2024|| ||8||02/29/2024||Paper Types - Proposals, Project & Research Papers - How they are similar and different||HW08 - Classify 10 papers as Project or Research papers||03/07/2024|| ||9||03/07/2024||Paper Types - Seminal Works and Survey Papers - how are they different||--(HW09 - Classify 4 papers as Seminal or Survey papers)--||03/14/2024|| ||10||03/14/2024||Research - Finding quality, relevant research: Google Scholar and other methods||HW10 - Finding and classifying papers for your research paper||03/21/2024|| ||11||03/21/2024||Research - How do we read research? The types of papers you will encounter||--(HW11 - Find find a good seminal, survey, research, or project paper on your topic)--||03/28/2024|| ||12||03/28/2024||Research - Evaluating research for inclusion in relevant work||HW12 - Background with Bibliography - JabRef and annotations - Minimum 10 Cites||04/04/2024|| ||13||04/04/2024||Writing the introduction - the hardest section to write||HW13 - Re-draft an introduction to a badly worded paper||04/11/2024|| ||14||04/11/2024||Writing up your work||HW14 - The middle sections of your paper||04/18/2024|| ||15||04/18/2024||Conclusions and Future Work||HW15 - Turn in your Paper||04/25/2024|| ||16||04/25/2024||Presenting your work||HW16 - Submit a recorded presentation or your research/project in this class||Final|| ||Final||TBA||Turn in recorded presentation of your work||||||